Wilderness Therapy
Treatment Programs
"Outdoor Behavioral Health" programs

We are a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit consumer protection information, research, health, safety, referral & education site.

This web site is designed to help  parents, families and professionals seeking help for youth at risk and teenagers with depression, anxiety and oppositional, defiant and conduct disorders, alcohol and other drug and substance abuse, as well as school and academic problems.

Find out more about outdoor behavioral health, boot camps, wilderness therapy, wilderness programs, interventions, evaluation, treatment, referral, clinical issues, health and safety, selection, standards, training and employment.

We are not funded directly or indirectly by any
treatment programs. 

Sponsored By:

Mentor Research Institute
501(c) 3 charitable non-profit

Revised: November 25, 2011



Consumer Protection Information


Important Web Sites
  • www.InCrisis.Org. A comprehensive screening and referral information site. You can complete a behavioral health questionnaire and automatically obtain a comprehensive report including a description and rank order of 15 unique intervention options for your child.

  • WildernessPrograms.Org 
    Comprehensive listing & research on programs for Wilderness Therapy and Outdoor Behavioral Health treatment programs for youth at risk


 Our Best Advice: Never send a child with behavioral and emotional problems to a program outside United States. U.S. law and rights will not protect your child from neglect, abuse or unjustified criminal charges. You may not be able to get your child back if there is a problem.

Outdoor Therapy Practice & Referral
for Mental Health Professionals & Educational Consultants

Mentor Research Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists.  Mentor Research Institute maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

Click here for this book
The First and
Only Comprehensive Book

Click to Begin Screening
The World's Only Comprehensive
Online Screening and Report


Michael G. Conner, PsyD

A leading expert, author, consultant and researcher
in interventions for youth At-Risk

[ Click here to find out more ]


The Heart Of Wilderness Therapy

"...And of all the heroic figures, I have come to believe the greatest hero is the child who does not believe he or she is a hero, but is never-the-less prepared for the heroic adventure by the undiscovered qualities and abilities that are only realized when they are facing challenges and the 'inevitables' of life."

"...Wilderness Therapy is not a building or a treatment facility. There is nothing honorable, adventurous, forgiving or restoring about living in a treatment facility that is considered 'treatment' by simply requiring people to go to therapy and teaching them to live by a system of points, levels of trust and privileges that are based on values that are not related to a life worth living."

From "The Undiscovered Hero.  The Journey Of Wilderness Therapy" 

Mentor Research Institute offers links and articles free for your information and use.
Permission to copy from or reproduce articles for anything other than personal information should be sought from Mentor Research Institute. 

Researchers: Reference articles on this site using the APA reference style as follows:  Article Name. (year, month day). Retrieved month day, year from the World Wide Web: www.WildernessTherapy.Org

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Copyright 2000 to 2011, Mentor Research Institute